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Fully Solved Question: Is Using Chat GPT Plagiarism?

Author: Andy Samue | 2024-08-20

With the rise of advanced language models like ChatGPT, concerns about academic integrity and plagiarism have grown. ChatGPT's ability to generate human-like text raises questions about whether using its outputs constitutes plagiarism. While AI assistants can be valuable tools for research, ideation, and writing assistance, presenting their work verbatim as one's own is generally considered plagiarism.

However, the lines can blur when the AI output is edited or used as a starting point. This issue requires a nuanced understanding of plagiarism policies, proper attribution practices, and the responsible use of AI writing tools in academic and professional settings.

Part 1: Is Using Chat GPT Plagiarism?

Wondering is it plagiarism to use chat GPT? Using ChatGPT or other AI language models can potentially constitute plagiarism if their outputs are presented as one's own work without proper attribution. While these tools can be valuable for research, ideation, and writing assistance, passing off their generated text verbatim as original work is generally considered plagiarism.

However, the situation becomes more nuanced when the AI output is edited, paraphrased, or used as a starting point for one's own writing. In such cases, proper citation and attribution practices should be followed to acknowledge the AI's contribution.

Ultimately, the responsible use of AI writing tools requires a clear understanding of plagiarism policies and ethical guidelines in academic and professional contexts.

Part 2: How Do You Tell If ChatGPT Is Giving Plagiarism? [3 Free Plagiarism Checking Tools]

1. Quetext:


If you are wondering is using chat GPT considered plagiarism, then Quetext can be a solution. Quetext is a popular free online plagiarism checker that allows users to scan their text against billions of web pages, books, and academic databases to detect potential plagiarism. It's a reliable tool for students, writers, and professionals to ensure the originality of their work.


  • Scans against a vast database of online sources
  • Highlights plagiarized text with color-coding
  • Provides a detailed plagiarism report
  • Supports multiple file formats (doc, docx, pdf, txt, etc.)
  • Offers a user-friendly interface


  • Completely free to use
  • Fast and accurate results
  • Comprehensive plagiarism report
  • Easy to use


  • Limited to checking small pieces of text
  • No option to save or download reports

2. DupliChecker:


DupliChecker is a free online plagiarism detection tool that helps users identify duplicated content in their writing. It compares the submitted text against billions of web pages, academic databases, and other online sources to detect potential plagiarism.


  • Scans against a vast database of online sources
  • Highlights plagiarized text with color-coding
  • Provides a detailed plagiarism report
  • Supports multiple file formats (doc, docx, pdf, txt, etc.)
  • Offers a simple and straightforward interface


  • Free to use
  • Fast and reliable results
  • User-friendly interface
  • Supports multiple file formats


  • Limited to checking small pieces of text
  • No option to save or download reports

3. Small SEO Tools:

Small SEO Tools

Small SEO Tools is a free online platform that offers a range of SEO tools, including a plagiarism checker. This tool allows users to scan their text against billions of web pages and academic databases to detect potential plagiarism.


  • Scans against a vast database of online sources
  • Highlights plagiarized text with color-coding
  • Provides a detailed plagiarism report
  • Supports multiple file formats (doc, docx, pdf, txt, etc.)
  • Offers a clean and user-friendly interface


  • Highlights plagiarized text with color-coding
  • Provides a detailed plagiarism report
  • Supports multiple file formats (doc, docx, pdf, txt, etc.)
  • Offers a clean and user-friendly interface


  • Limited to checking small pieces of text
  • No option to save or download reports

Part 3: How To Remove ChatGPT Plagiarism? [Step-by-Step Process]

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for research, ideation, and writing assistance, it's crucial to ensure that you don't inadvertently plagiarize its outputs. Here's a step-by-step process to help you avoid plagiarism if you are wondering if I use chat gpt is it plagiarism:

  • Understand What Constitutes Plagiarism: Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own without proper attribution. This includes copying text verbatim from ChatGPT without citing it as the source.

  • Use ChatGPT as a Starting Point: Instead of copying and pasting ChatGPT's outputs directly into your work, treat them as rough drafts or inspiration for your own writing. Rephrase, paraphrase, and expand on the ideas in your own words.

    Use ChatGPT as a Starting Point
  • Cite ChatGPT: If you do use portions of ChatGPT's text verbatim, make sure to properly cite it as the source. This can be done using in-text citations or footnotes, depending on the style guide you're following.

    Cite ChatGPT
  • Run a Plagiarism Check: After incorporating ChatGPT's assistance into your work, run your document through a plagiarism checker tool. This will help identify any remaining instances of unattributed text that may require citation or paraphrasing.

    Run a Plagiarism Check
  • Edit and Revise: Based on the plagiarism report, carefully review any flagged sections and make the necessary edits. Rephrase or paraphrase any text that too closely resembles ChatGPT's outputs, and ensure proper attribution where needed.

  • Double-Check Your Work: Before submitting or publishing your work, run it through the plagiarism checker one final time to ensure that all instances of potential plagiarism have been addressed.

Remember, while ChatGPT can be a valuable writing aid, it's important to use it responsibly and ethically. By following these steps, you can leverage the power of AI while maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism issues.

Bonus: Get Plagiarism-Free Answers From PDF

As we discussed the importance of avoiding plagiarism when using AI writing assistants like ChatGPT, it's worth mentioning another valuable tool that can help ensure your work is original and plagiarism-free: Tenorshare AI PDF.

Tenorshare AI PDF is a free online AI PDF summarizer that can be a game-changer for those who frequently work with PDF documents. Instead of manually sifting through lengthy PDFs, this tool can accurately extract and summarize the most important information, saving you time and effort.


Some of the main features of Tenorshare AI PDF include:

  • Accuracy: The AI summarizer accurately identifies and summarizes the key points from your PDFs, ensuring you don't miss any crucial information.
  • Comprehensiveness: The summaries go beyond just highlighting the basics, providing important details, supporting arguments, and context for a thorough understanding.
  • Language quality: The generated summaries are clear, concise, and easy to understand, thanks to the tool's advanced language processing capabilities.
  • Speed and efficiency: Tenorshare AI PDF delivers fast and efficient summarization without compromising on accuracy or quality.

Do you wonder if you use chat GPT is it plagiarism? Here is a step by step guide to avoid plagiarism using Tenorshare AI PDF:

  • Visit the Tenorshare AI PDF website at https://ai.tenorshare.com/ to access the free online AI PDF summarizer tool.

  • Click on the designated upload area and select the PDF file you want to summarize or extract information from.

    upload your docx file
  • Create a new account or log in to your existing Tenorshare account to use the AI PDF summarizer.

    Create a new account
  • Once your PDF is uploaded, you can enter queries or prompts related to the PDF content in the provided chat box.

    enter queries
  • The AI assistant will intelligently scan and process the uploaded PDF document, extracting relevant information to provide concise and accurate answers to your questions, effectively summarizing the key points from the PDF.

    ask your pdf


In today's world, where AI writing assistants like ChatGPT are becoming increasingly prevalent, it's crucial to understand the potential risks of plagiarism and take proactive steps to avoid it. By following best practices such as paraphrasing, properly citing sources, and running plagiarism checks, you can leverage the power of these tools while maintaining academic integrity.

Additionally, utilizing specialized tools like Tenorshare AI PDF can streamline your research process, providing accurate and plagiarism-free summaries of lengthy PDF documents. Ultimately, responsible and ethical use of AI writing assistants requires a commitment to upholding academic honesty and a clear understanding of plagiarism policies and guidelines in your respective field or institution.