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150+ Inspirational Last Day of College Quotes to Cherish

Author: Andy Samue | 2024-06-17

The last day of college is a moment filled with mixed emotions – joy, nostalgia, and excitement for the future. Sharing last day of college quotes can capture these feelings perfectly. Here, we’ve compiled a list of quotes that reflect the journey, memories, and anticipation for the next chapter. Let's celebrate this milestone with these inspiring quotes.

Inspirational Last Day of College Quotes

"And so the adventure begins."

"The best is yet to come."

"This is not the end, it’s just the beginning."

"Chase your dreams, the world is waiting."

"Embrace the journey ahead."

"New beginnings, endless possibilities."

"Your future is created by what you do today."

"Dream big, work hard, and stay humble."

"The tassel was worth the hassle."

"Let the new adventures begin."

"Goodbye college, hello future!"

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

"Turn the page, start the next chapter."

"Graduation is not the end, it’s the beginning."

"Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead."

Nostalgic Last Day of College Quotes

"Walking down memory lane on my last day."

"These memories will last a lifetime."

"Leaving college, taking memories."

"The end of an era, the start of new memories."

"Forever grateful for these college memories."

"Cherishing the moments, embracing the future."

"From the first day to the last, unforgettable memories."

"Bittersweet goodbyes and endless memories."

"College: where memories are made and dreams are born."

"Taking a trip down memory lane on my last day."

"These moments will be cherished forever."

"Saying goodbye to college but holding onto the memories."

"Endings are bittersweet, memories are forever."

"Reflecting on the journey, cherishing the memories."

"As we leave, we take with us the memories of a lifetime."

Funny Last Day of College Quotes

"I came, I saw, I graduated."

"Does this mean I’m an adult now?"

"Thanks for the memories, and the student loans."

"College: the best party I’ve ever been to."

"Finally, I’m a senior citizen."

"Education complete, sarcasm intact."

"Is this the real world? Where’s the undo button?"

"Survived college, what’s next?"

"Four years later and still clueless."

"Partied hard, studied harder, graduated."

"No more deadlines, just adulting ahead."

"From zero to degree in four years."

"Cheers to the nights we won’t remember with the friends we’ll never forget."

"Last day of college: mission accomplished."

"Graduated with a degree in survival."

Quotes for Mixed Emotions on Last Day of College

"Excited for the future, nostalgic for the past."

"Feeling all the emotions on this last day."

"Goodbye college, hello real world."

"Bittersweet farewells and hopeful beginnings."

"Happy for what’s next, sad for what’s ending."

"Mixed emotions on this last day of college."

"Ready for the future, missing the past."

"Saying goodbye to college with a heavy heart."

"Leaving college with a heart full of memories."

"Excited for the future, nostalgic for the memories."

"Goodbyes are hard, but the future is bright."

"A chapter ends, a new one begins."

"Feeling grateful, sad, and excited all at once."

"Last day of college: mixed feelings and endless memories."

"Ready for the next adventure, thankful for the last."

Flirty Last Day of College Quotes

"Last day, best day."

"Ready to flirt with the future."

"Graduated and looking forward to new adventures."

"Leaving college, but my flirty spirit stays."

"Last day of college, first day of the rest of my life."

"Goodbye college, hello opportunities."

"Ready to take on the world, one flirt at a time."

"College may be over, but the fun is just beginning."

"Leaving college with my heart full and my spirit high."

"Here’s to new beginnings and endless flirty adventures."

"Goodbye college, hello flirty future."

"Last day of college, first day of new flirts."

"Ready to embrace the future with a flirty smile."

"Saying goodbye to college, but not to the fun."

"Flirting with new opportunities on my last day of college."

End of Semester Quotes

"End of semester, start of a new journey."

"Semester over, time to take on the world."

"Finished the semester, ready for the future."

"End of semester, beginning of new adventures."

"Semester done, memories made."

"Goodbye semester, hello new opportunities."

"End of semester, start of something great."

"Semester complete, ready for the next chapter."

"End of semester, but the journey continues."

"Finished the semester, but the learning never stops."

"End of semester, start of new beginnings."

"Semester over, future awaits."

"Goodbye semester, hello possibilities."

"End of semester, time to explore new horizons."

"Semester done, ready for what’s next."

Quotes for Celebrating Last Day of College

"Cheers to the last day of college!"

"Celebrating the end of an era."

"Last day of college, first day of celebration."

"Here’s to the memories we’ve made."

"Celebrating the journey and looking forward to the future."

"Last day of college, time to celebrate!"

"Cheers to the end and the new beginnings."

"Celebrating the last day with joy and gratitude."

"To the last day of college and the first day of the rest of our lives."

"Here’s to the memories and the future ahead."

"Celebrating the last day with friends and memories."

"Last day of college, cheers to new adventures."

"Celebrating the end of college with a heart full of memories."

"Here’s to the last day and the new journeys ahead."

"Last day of college, first day of celebration."

Emotional Last Day of College Quotes

"Tears of joy and nostalgia on the last day."

"Saying goodbye to college with a heavy heart."

"Emotional farewells and new beginnings."

"Feeling all the emotions on this last day."

"Goodbye college, you’ll be missed."

"Tears and smiles on the last day of college."

"Leaving college with a heart full of emotions."

"Emotional goodbyes and hopeful futures."

"Saying goodbye with tears and gratitude."

"Last day of college, filled with emotions."

"Goodbye college, hello emotional journey."

"Feeling all the feels on this last day."

"Leaving college with a heart full of memories and emotions."

"Emotional goodbyes and exciting new beginnings."

"Last day of college, tears of joy and nostalgia."

Grateful Last Day of College Quotes

"Grateful for the journey and the memories."

"Thankful for the experiences and friendships."

"Grateful heart on the last day of college."

"Thankful for the lessons learned and the memories made."

"Grateful for the journey, ready for the future."

"Thankful for every moment of college."

"Gratitude for the journey and the friendships."

"Grateful for the memories, excited for the future."

"Thankful for the experiences and the growth."

"Grateful heart, ready for new adventures."

"Thankful for the journey and the memories made."

"Grateful for the friendships and the experiences."

"Thankful for the journey, excited for what’s next."

"Grateful for the lessons, ready for the future."

"Thankful for the journey, looking forward to the future."

Reflective Last Day of College Quotes

"Reflecting on the journey and the growth."

"Looking back with gratitude and pride."

"Reflecting on the memories and the lessons."

"Taking a moment to reflect on the journey."

"Looking back on the journey with gratitude."

"Reflecting on the growth and the memories."

"Taking time to reflect on the journey and the future."

"Looking back with pride and gratitude."

"Reflecting on the journey with a grateful heart."

"Taking a moment to reflect on the journey and the growth."

"Looking back with gratitude and excitement for the future."

"Reflecting on the memories and the growth."

"Taking time to reflect on the journey and the future ahead."

"Looking back with pride and excitement for what’s next."

"Reflecting on the journey with gratitude and excitement for the future."


Q: How can I make my last day of college quotes more personal?

A: Add specific memories, experiences, or inside jokes to the quotes to make them more personal and meaningful.

Q: Can I use these quotes for other milestones?

A: Absolutely! These quotes can be adapted for other milestones, such as graduation or the end of a significant chapter in life, making them versatile and relatable.


The last day of college marks the end of an incredible journey and the beginning of new adventures. These last day of college quotes capture the emotions, memories, and excitement of this milestone. Share these quotes to celebrate the past and look forward to the future.