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Gptinf Humanizer Full Review 2025: You Need to Know

Author: Andy Samue | 2024-11-14

As AI-generated content becomes increasingly common, the demand for tools that can make this content sound more human has grown. GPTinf Humanizer is one of these tools, claiming to transform robotic AI writing into natural, human-like text.

But does it actually work? In this review, we'll explore how GPTinf Humanizer functions, why it's gaining attention, and whether GPTinf free humanizer can deliver on its promise of making AI content indistinguishable from human writing.

Why are People Looking for an AI Content Detector?

AI writing tools have made it much easier for people to create content quickly. These tools can generate articles, essays, and other written materials. However, there's a growing concern about the quality and originality of this content. Search engines like Google are now penalizing websites that use too much AI-generated and low quality content. Because of this, companies like GPTInf have developed techniques to make AI-written text seem more human, appealing to those looking to avoid penalties.

On the other hand, students also face a different challenge. To avoid academic misconduct charges, they're using AI detectors like Gptinf humanizer to ensure their work doesn't look like it was written by a machine.

Overview About GPTinf

GPTinf is a simple tool designed to help you make AI-generated content look more human. It works by rephrasing the text, using different words, grammar, and sentence structure. This makes it harder for AI detection tools like Turnitin and Quillbot to spot.

Key Features of GPTinf Humanizer:

  • Freeze List: Keep certain words unchanged while the rest of the text is rephrased.
  • Bypasses Advanced Detection: GPTinf claims it can fool even the most sophisticated AI detectors.
  • Easy to Use: The interface is simple and straightforward, with no complicated features to navigate.

Is GPTinf Free? The Price Plan

GPTinf offers flexible pricing that scales with your content needs. Whether you're a student, marketer, or business, there's a plan to fit you:

  • Pay as you go: Choose between monthly or annual plans based on your word count.
  • Scalable: Adjust your plan as your word needs grow.
  • Cost-effective: Annual plans offer better savings.
Plan Word Limit Monthly Price Yearly Price (33% off)
Free 3,000 total / 300 per process $0 $0
Lite 20,000 words / 500 per process $19/mo $12/mo
Basic 50,000 words / unlimited per process $29/mo $19/mo
Pro 150,000 words / unlimited per process $79/mo $49/mo

Can GPTinf Bypass Major AI Detection Tools? Honest Reviews

The real question is whether GPTinf can bypass the major yet most advanced AI detection tools. I'll conduct the tests to test its authenticity and see how accurately it bypasses AI detection.

Overall, GPTinf performs well in bypassing some AI detection tools, successfully avoiding detection with ZeroGPT and Copyleaks. However, it is not flawless. GPTZero detected 11% AI content, and Writer flagged 2% of the text as AI-generated. While GPTinf can humanize content to a large degree, it may still be detectable by more advanced AI detectors, so it's not guaranteed to work every time.

AI Detection Tools Test Result Pass or Not
ZeroGPT 0% AI content Passed
GPTZero 11% AI content Partially Detected
Copyleaks 0% AI content Passed
Writer 2% AI content Partially Detected

How We Make The Test:

  • Generate some content with ChatGPT.

    chatgpt content
  • Humanize it with GPTinf.

    bypass gpt
  • Check the content with AI detectors like ZeroGPT, GPTZero, Writer, and Copyleaks to see if the text is flagged as AI content.

Test 1: GPTinf vs ZeroGPT

gptinf vs zerogpt

ZeroGPT gave a 0% AI GPT score, meaning GPTinf successfully humanized the content.

Test 2: GPTinf vs GPTZero

Now, I pasted the humanized text in GPTZero to detect the AI.

gptinf vs gptzero

GPTZero detected 11% AI content, meaning the text generated with GPTinf is still detectable.

Test 3: GPTinf vs. Copyleaks

For the third test, I pasted the GPTinf content into Copyleaks. The Copyleaks detected no AI content, as can be seen in the following image:

gptinf vs copyleaks

Since Copyleaks did not detect any AI, GPTinf was successful in bypassing it, too.

Test 4: GPTinf vs. Writer

Lastly, I ran the GPTinf content through the Writer AI detector.

gptinf vs writer

Writer identified 2% of the text as AI-generated, proving that GPTinf is detectable by the advanced AI detectors.

Pros and Cons of GPTinf


  • Effectively humanizes content: GPTinf passes major AI detectors like ZeroGPT and Copyleaks, making AI-generated content less detectable.
  • Flexible pricing: Various plans are available based on word count, catering to both small users and high-volume creators.
  • User-friendly interface: Easy to use, even for those with minimal technical experience.


  • Not 100% foolproof: Detectors like GPTZero and Writer still catch traces of AI content, showing that it's not completely undetectable.
  • Occasional connection issues : Many users reported GPTinf refused to connect error.
  • Higher-tier plans can be expensive: For heavy users, the costs can add up quickly.

Tenorshare AI Bypass: A More Reliable Alternative to GPTinf

While GPTinf performs well against many AI detectors, it falls short with advanced tools like GPTZero and Writer, where it still leaves traces of AI content. This is where Tenorshare AI Bypass stands out as a stronger alternative, as it successfully bypasses a wider range of AI detectors—including those that GPTinf struggled with.

To put this to the test, I ran the same AI-generated text through Tenorshare AI Bypass.

use gptinf alternative

And I checked the results with ZeroGPT, GPTZero, Copyleaks, and Writer. The results were impressive: Tenorshare managed to bypass all four detectors, including GPTZero and Writer, which had previously flagged GPTinf's output. The following are the details:

ZeroGPT Test Result: 100% Human Content & 0% AI Content

ZeroGPT Test Result

GPTZero Test Result: 98% Human Content & 2% AI Content (higher score than GPTinf)

GPTZero Test Result

Copyleaks Test Result: 100% Human Content & 0% AI Content


Writer Test Result: 100% Human-Generated Content



This test highlights Tenorshare Undetectable AI as a more robust choice for those needing consistent performance across multiple detection tools. With its ability to evade even the most advanced detectors, Tenorshare proves to be an effective solution for creating human-like content with minimal risk of detection.


What does GPTinf do?

GPTinf humanizes AI-generated text, transforming it into content that appears more natural and human-written, which can help bypass AI content detectors.

Can GPTinf be detected?

While GPTinf can bypass tools like ZeroGPT and Copyleaks, more advanced AI detectors, such as GPTZero and Writer, can still detect some AI-generated content.

Is GPTinf worth it?

For users aiming to humanize content and reduce detection by some AI tools, GPTinf is effective, though not perfect.

Is the app GPTinf.com safe?

Yes, GPTinf.com is considered safe, offering secure encryption for data and content conversion.

How to fix GPTinf refused to connect?

To fix connection issues, try refreshing your browser, clearing the cache, checking your internet connection, or switching browsers. If the problem persists, contact GPTinf support for further assistance.

Final Verdict

GPTinf Humanizer is a handy tool for making AI-generated content seem more human. It's pretty good at fooling detectors like ZeroGPT and Copyleaks, but it's not perfect. Some advanced tools, like GPTZero and Writer, can still spot AI-generated content.

The pricing is flexible, and it's easy to use. However, there can be connection problems sometimes, and it can get expensive if you use it a lot. Overall, GPTinf is a useful tool, but don't expect it to completely hide the fact that your content is AI-generated. For a more robust solution, Tenorshare AI Humanzier offers a higher level of humanization, making it exceptionally effective at bypassing advanced detectors like GPTZero. It’s a reliable choice for those needing a seamless way to avoid AI detection.

Tenorshare AI Bypass

  • Create 100% undetectable human-like content.
  • Bypass All Al detector tool like GPTZero, ZeroGPT, Copyleaks, etc.
  • Original content, free of plagiarism and grammatical errors.
  • One-Click AI bypass with a clean and easy-to-use interface