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200+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics to Entertain and Convince in 2024

Author: Andy Samue | 2024-09-06

Persuasive speeches don't have to be serious. In fact, a little humor can go a long way in capturing your audience's attention and making your message more memorable. If you're looking for some lighthearted topics to spark your creativity, you've come to the right place. This blog post offers over 200 funny persuasive speech topics that will have your audience laughing and thinking.

Why Funny Persuasive Speeches Work

Humor can be a powerful tool for persuasion. When you make your audience laugh, you create a more positive and receptive environment for your message. A few benefits of using humor in persuasive speeches include:

  • Increased engagement: Humor keeps your audience interested and attentive.
  • Better retention: People are more likely to remember information that is presented in a humorous way.
  • Enhanced credibility: A speaker who can make people laugh is often perceived as more likable and trustworthy.

Tips for Writing a Funny Persuasive Speech

  • Know your audience: Tailor your humor to the specific group you're addressing.
  • Keep it relevant: Your humor should be related to your main point.
  • Practice your delivery: Timing and delivery are key to making a joke land.
  • Don't force it: If a joke doesn't work, move on.
  • Use visual aids: Enhance your speech with visual impact through well-designed slides. You can try Tenorshare AI Slides for free---it generates beautifully designed presentations with just a few keywords, making it easy to create stunning visuals that complement your speech.

Examples of Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for Students

  • Why students should get paid for attending school.
  • The case for making video games part of the curriculum.
  • Why teachers should have to pass student evaluations to keep their jobs.
  • How to convince your teacher that aliens ate your homework.
  • Why we should replace gym class with nap time.
  • Why pizza is the best motivator for student participation.
  • How becoming a professional meme creator is a valid career option.
  • Why every student deserves a "do-over" day each semester.
  • The argument for making "group projects" illegal.
  • Why students should be allowed to wear whatever they want to school.
  • Why students need a "snack break" every hour.
  • How to convince your parents that TikTok is educational.
  • Why math should come with an "easy mode."
  • The case for making summer vacation last six months.
  • Why the cafeteria should serve dessert for every meal.
  • How binge-watching Netflix should count as homework.
  • Why online classes are the best invention since the internet.
  • Why teachers should be required to tell at least one joke per class.
  • How the school day should start at noon and end by 3 p.m.
  • Why the best way to solve any problem is a rock-paper-scissors game.
  • Why the school should provide puppies to reduce student stress.
  • The case for replacing textbooks with YouTube tutorials.
  • Why everyone should get A's just for showing up.
  • How to get away with napping in class by pretending you're "deeply thinking."
  • Why the first day of school should only be half a day.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

  • Why college students should have nap time between classes.
  • The case for making pizza the official food of all college campuses.
  • Why group projects are the real test of survival skills.
  • How pulling an all-nighter is a form of art.
  • Why professors should be required to take student evaluations seriously.
  • Why skipping class should count as a form of self-care.
  • The argument for making Friday classes illegal.
  • How to convince your professor that memes are a valid form of academic research.
  • Why laundry should be considered an extracurricular activity.
  • The case for replacing textbooks with Wikipedia articles.
  • Why college lectures should be replaced with Netflix documentaries.
  • Why having a pet in college should be mandatory for stress relief.
  • How to master the art of procrastination and still get good grades.
  • Why ramen noodles are the ultimate college survival food.
  • The argument for making finals week optional.
  • How to convince your roommate to do the dishes without starting World War III.
  • Why coffee should be offered as an official major.
  • Why every college class should come with snacks.
  • The case for extending spring break by two weeks.
  • How to get away with wearing pajamas to class without being judged.
  • Why choosing your major based on TV shows is a great idea.
  • Why professors should offer extra credit for attendance at social events.
  • The argument for replacing exams with Netflix show marathons.
  • How to successfully live off of free food from campus events.
  • Why every college campus should have a mandatory puppy therapy session during finals.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics About School

  • Why homework should come with a "skip" option once a week.
  • The case for replacing tests with Netflix marathons.
  • Why students should be allowed to nap during class.
  • How cafeteria food should be rated like restaurant reviews.
  • The argument for letting students wear pajamas to school every day.
  • Why gym class should include video games as a sport.
  • Why school should start at noon and end at 3 p.m.
  • The case for giving students extra credit for surviving group projects.
  • How recess should be mandatory for high school students.
  • Why there should be a "forget your homework" day once a semester.
  • Why teachers should have to wear silly hats on test days.
  • The argument for making Friday classes illegal.
  • Why students should be graded on their meme-making skills.
  • How group projects are really just survival games.
  • The case for installing vending machines that only dispense snacks during boring classes.
  • Why we should have a class dedicated to Netflix documentaries.
  • How to convince your teacher that your pet ate your homework... again.
  • Why every school should have a "stress-free" day with puppies and ice cream.
  • The argument for replacing math class with YouTube tutorials.
  • Why students should get an award for perfect attendance at lunchtime.
  • How to convince your teacher that texting in class is actually multitasking.
  • Why lockers should come with built-in snack dispensers.
  • Why students should get graded on their social media skills.
  • The case for making school assemblies a once-a-year event.
  • Why every school should have a pool for "study breaks."

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics About Life

  • Why life would be better if it came with a "pause" button.
  • The case for allowing adults to have tantrums like toddlers.
  • How to convince everyone that laundry is unnecessary if you spray enough cologne.
  • Why getting lost is the best way to explore life.
  • The argument for making adulting optional.
  • Why pets understand life better than humans do.
  • How procrastination is actually the key to success.
  • Why being awkward should be considered a superpower.
  • The case for replacing handshakes with fist bumps.
  • Why adulthood should come with a user manual.
  • How sleeping in should be recognized as a talent.
  • The argument for banning all alarm clocks forever.
  • Why everyone should get a free "do-over" day every month.
  • How selfies are the modern form of life documentation.
  • Why being late should be considered a fashionable lifestyle choice.
  • The case for celebrating life's little failures just as much as successes.
  • Why growing up is a trap, and we should stay kids forever.
  • How online shopping is better than actual therapy.
  • Why the best life decisions are made while eating ice cream.
  • The argument for taking mandatory nap breaks during the day.
  • Why we should all adopt a "work from hammock" policy.
  • How life is really just a series of accidental wins.
  • Why weekends should be four days long.
  • The case for replacing small talk with meaningful silence.
  • Why every day should end with a spontaneous dance party.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics About Relationships

  • Why all couples should have a "no phone" rule during dates.
  • The case for letting pets pick your significant other.
  • Why every couple should have a designated snack-sharing policy.
  • How Netflix series can make or break a relationship.
  • Why the remote control is the real relationship test.
  • Why every argument can be solved with a rock-paper-scissors game.
  • The case for sending your partner a daily meme for relationship maintenance.
  • How "I don't care, you decide" is a relationship loophole.
  • Why leaving the toilet seat up is grounds for a household debate.
  • Why couples should have a "snore rating" system for sleeping compatibility.
  • The argument for celebrating "forgotten anniversaries" with humor.
  • Why cooking together should come with a relationship warning label.
  • How to agree to disagree on pineapple pizza in a relationship.
  • Why sharing a closet is the ultimate test of love.
  • The case for giving out awards for surviving long-distance relationships.
  • Why couples should be required to compete in board games regularly.
  • Why every relationship should have a designated "chore referee."
  • How texting "K" can spark the biggest argument in a relationship.
  • Why relationship arguments should have a referee to call time-outs.
  • Why couples should have separate Netflix accounts to avoid disagreements.
  • The case for declaring a "silent treatment" day once a month.
  • Why couples should have a "take-out food" fund instead of cooking.
  • How sharing the same blanket during movie nights can cause relationship tension.
  • Why "agreeing to binge-watch one show at a time" is relationship wisdom.
  • The case for implementing a "partner appreciation day" every week.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics About Pop Culture

  • Why reality TV shows should be considered an Olympic sport.
  • The case for making memes the official language of the internet.
  • Why superheroes would make terrible politicians.
  • How binge-watching Netflix is a valid form of self-care.
  • The argument for adding a "dislike" button to all social media platforms.
  • Why celebrity breakups should have official press conferences.
  • Why TikTok dances should be part of the school curriculum.
  • The case for replacing award show speeches with TikTok videos.
  • How emojis are the modern-day hieroglyphics.
  • Why influencers should have their own reality TV network.
  • The argument for giving every meme a national holiday.
  • Why the Oscars should have a "best meme adaptation" category.
  • How to convince your parents that video games are an art form.
  • Why superheroes need more realistic job options.
  • The case for creating a reality TV show based on YouTubers' real lives.
  • Why binge-watching a TV show should count as a social activity.
  • Why fashion trends from the 90s should stay in the 90s.
  • The argument for making Instagram filters illegal for food photos.
  • Why zombies are the best metaphor for modern society.
  • Why everyone secretly wishes to live in a musical.
  • The case for adding an "awkward silence" emoji to the emoji library.
  • Why conspiracy theories make pop culture more interesting.
  • How movie villains have better style than the heroes.
  • Why there should be a reality show about people trying to quit social media.
  • The argument for bringing back 80s hair and 90s boy bands permanently.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics About Technology

  • Why autocorrect is secretly trying to ruin your life.
  • The case for having an "undo" button in real life, not just on computers.
  • Why smartphones are making us smarter (or at least better at Googling).
  • Why social media should have a time limit to save us from endless scrolling.
  • How robots would be better at doing our chores than we are.
  • Why texting is better than talking in person---no awkward silences.
  • The argument for making charging cables indestructible.
  • Why smartwatches are actually just wrist-bound personal assistants.
  • How selfies are the most advanced form of personal branding.
  • Why we should replace passwords with dance moves for better security.
  • The case for banning the "reply all" button in emails forever.
  • How emojis have become the new universal language.
  • Why your phone should send you a "go outside" reminder after an hour of use.
  • Why Wi-Fi should be free and available everywhere---no exceptions.
  • How to argue that video games improve your decision-making skills.
  • The case for making AI robots the new school teachers.
  • Why social media likes should be converted into actual currency.
  • How virtual reality will replace reality one day.
  • Why phones should have a "sarcasm detector" built-in for texts.
  • Why tech gadgets should come with a built-in self-repair button.
  • The argument for letting your fridge send you messages when you're out of snacks.
  • Why all your devices should sync together to automatically play your theme song.
  • How smart home assistants like Alexa are secretly plotting world domination.
  • The case for developing hologram friends to avoid human interaction.
  • Why charging your phone should give you bonus points in life.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals

  • Why dogs would make better CEOs than humans.
  • The case for giving cats their own social media accounts.
  • Why squirrels are the true masterminds of the animal kingdom.
  • How pigeons are secretly spies collecting data on us.
  • Why cows should be celebrated as national heroes for their milk.
  • Why goats are the ultimate party animals.
  • The argument for making penguins the official symbol of coolness.
  • Why guinea pigs would be perfect for political office.
  • How dolphins would make the best life coaches.
  • Why every pet deserves its own wardrobe.
  • The case for adding "pet translator" as an official language.
  • Why parrots are better at public speaking than most humans.
  • How cats are actually training us to be their servants.
  • Why fish are the true zen masters of the animal world.
  • The argument for giving dogs honorary degrees in emotional intelligence.
  • How rabbits are the ultimate experts in escape plans.
  • Why hamsters are the real inventors of the fitness wheel.
  • The case for making sloths the official mascots for relaxation.
  • Why horses should be allowed to vote in elections.
  • How penguins' waddle is the best form of exercise.
  • Why raccoons should be employed as professional recyclers.
  • Why kangaroos would dominate in a boxing match.
  • The argument for making elephants the ambassadors of memory.
  • How turtles are the true advocates for "slow and steady wins the race."
  • Why dogs should be in charge of all human friendships.


Humor is a great way to engage your audience and make persuasive speeches more enjoyable. Remember, the key to a successful funny speech is to balance humor with a clear message that resonates with your audience.

Of course, crafting the perfect presentation to go along with your speech is equally important. That's where our AI PPT Maker can be a game-changer. With its ability to automatically generate an outline and design for your speech, you can focus on delivering your humorous message without worrying about the technicalities. Make your presentations stand out with AI-powered slide creation, and take your speech to the next level. Happy speech-giving!

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