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195+ Best Persuasive Speech Topics & Ideas for College Students 2024

Author: Andy Samue | 2024-09-05

Imagine a moment in a film where a character delivers a speech that leaves the audience in awe - captivating everyone with a mix of emotion, passion, and a powerful message. The magic behind these memorable moments lies not just in how the speech is delivered but also in the topic itself. Choosing the right persuasive speech topics for high school students can help you create that same impact in your own speech or essay.

To make your persuasive speech preparation easier, try Tenorshare AI Slides. Just enter your chosen topic, and it will generate professional slides to enhance your presentation on any persuasive speech topic for high school. Below is a list of some of the most engaging topics for students.

What's a Good Persuasive Speech?

Focuses on Real College Issues

The best persuasive speech topics for college are those that directly impact students, like "Should college tuition be free?" or "Are internships more valuable than classroom learning?"

Takes a Clear Stand

A strong topic has a clear position that is easy to argue. For example, "College athletes should be paid" gives a specific stance that can drive debate.

Backed by Evidence and Examples

Good topics allow for the use of solid evidence and examples. Topics like "Why mental health services should be free in colleges" benefit from supporting data and research.

Well-Designed Slides with Professional Content

A persuasive speech is more effective with clean, visually appealing slides that are well-organized. Tenorshare Free Speech Presentation Maker helps create professional presentations that clearly highlight your points and make your content more impactful.

Encourages Action and Debate

The topic should motivate the audience to think differently or take action, such as "Should voting be mandatory for all college students?" This type of topic engages listeners and fosters discussion.

Relevant to Current Trends

A good topic often reflects what is currently happening in the college world, making it timely and interesting for the audience, like "Should colleges continue with hybrid learning models?"

Tenorshare AI Slides

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Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Social Issues

  • Social media must do more to stop fake news.
  • Is universal basic income feasible?
  • Raise the minimum wage to reduce poverty.
  • Affirmative action ensures equal opportunities.
  • Should we lower the voting age to 16?
  • Protests are key for social justice.
  • Enforce stricter gun control measures.
  • Gentrification harms local communities.
  • Mandatory community service in college can build character.
  • The prison system needs urgent reform.
  • Free housing can combat homelessness.
  • Gender-neutral bathrooms support inclusivity.
  • Abolish the death penalty globally.
  • Comprehensive sex education is essential in schools.
  • Expanding social welfare programs supports those in need.

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Environment

  • Ban single-use plastics everywhere.
  • Should all countries go 100% renewable?
  • Urban areas need more green spaces.
  • Regulate the meat industry's emissions.
  • Are electric cars the ultimate solution?
  • Subsidize eco-friendly home improvements.
  • Save endangered species from extinction.
  • Strictly prohibit deforestation globally.
  • Replace fossil fuels with green energy.
  • The fashion industry must adopt sustainability.
  • Make environmental education compulsory.
  • Should countries face penalties for failing climate goals?
  • Promote public transport to cut emissions.
  • Plant trees to reverse climate change.
  • Increase plastic recycling to reduce waste.

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Technology

  • AI will transform the job market.
  • Should tech companies be transparent about data collection?
  • Automation could lead to more unemployment.
  • Protect privacy rights in the digital age.
  • Regulate AI development to prevent misuse.
  • Technology addiction among youth is rising.
  • Cybersecurity should be a top priority.
  • Are autonomous weapons a global risk?
  • Blockchain can make finance more secure.
  • Should people do digital detoxes regularly?
  • The impact of social media on mental health needs attention.
  • Virtual reality can change how we learn.
  • Should tech giants be broken up?
  • Quantum computing will revolutionize problem-solving.
  • The digital divide affects equal access to technology.

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Health

  • Universal healthcare is a basic right.
  • Should vaccines be mandatory for everyone?
  • Mental health services need better accessibility.
  • Fast food should be regulated for public health.
  • Is automatic organ donation ethical?
  • Promote exercise to prevent diseases.
  • Should sugary drinks be taxed to reduce obesity?
  • Telemedicine improves healthcare access.
  • Can alternative medicine complement conventional treatment?
  • Schools and workplaces must promote mental health.
  • Should drug prices be strictly regulated?
  • Access to reproductive health is a necessity.
  • Ban tobacco ads to lower smoking rates.
  • Should nutrition education be mandatory in schools?
  • Antibiotic resistance requires urgent action.

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Education

  • Online education should be more widely available.
  • Should universities offer more practical courses?
  • Standardized testing does not reflect true ability.
  • Make financial literacy a mandatory subject.
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling?
  • Free college education could reduce inequality.
  • Are grades an effective way to measure learning?
  • Schools should focus more on emotional intelligence.
  • Should schools ban homework?
  • The importance of arts in the education system.
  • Should students learn coding from an early age?
  • Promote multilingual education in schools.
  • Are student loans creating a debt crisis?
  • Encourage internships as part of the curriculum.
  • Should education be tailored to individual needs?

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Politics

  • Lowering the voting age could increase civic engagement.
  • Should political ads be banned on social media?
  • Term limits for politicians can prevent corruption.
  • The two-party system needs reform.
  • Should voting be mandatory in democratic countries?
  • Foreign policy must prioritize climate change.
  • Should there be stricter rules for political donations?
  • Is direct democracy a better option?
  • Media bias affects voter perception.
  • Campaign finance reform is long overdue.
  • Should politicians have educational qualifications?
  • How can we ensure fair elections?
  • Is it time to abolish the Electoral College?
  • Encourage youth involvement in politics.
  • Should there be more referendums on major issues?

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Business

  • Ethical business practices lead to long-term success.
  • Should companies have a four-day workweek?
  • Corporate social responsibility is essential today.
  • Startups are key drivers of innovation.
  • Should businesses be taxed based on pollution levels?
  • Remote work is the future of business.
  • Should there be a universal basic income?
  • Encourage women entrepreneurs in tech.
  • Should insider trading laws be stricter?
  • Small businesses need more government support.
  • Are monopolies harmful to the economy?
  • The importance of employee wellness programs.
  • Should businesses have mandatory diversity quotas?
  • Do high CEO salaries harm company morale?
  • Ethical consumerism influences business practices.

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Culture

  • Cultural appropriation should be discouraged.
  • Promote bilingual education to preserve cultures.
  • Should museums return artifacts to their home countries?
  • The impact of pop culture on youth.
  • Cultural diversity enriches societies.
  • Should traditional media prioritize cultural representation?
  • Protect indigenous languages from extinction.
  • Is fusion cuisine a sign of cultural evolution?
  • The effects of globalization on cultural identity.
  • Support local arts through government funding.
  • Media must avoid cultural stereotypes.
  • Should we celebrate cultural festivals in schools?
  • Promote intercultural exchange programs.
  • The importance of preserving intangible cultural heritage.
  • Should literature from diverse backgrounds be prioritized in curricula?

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Mental Health

  • Mental health awareness should be a priority in schools.
  • Encourage regular mental health checkups.
  • Should workplaces offer mental health days?
  • Promote mindfulness and meditation for stress relief.
  • Mental health education must start early.
  • Combat the stigma around mental illness.
  • Are mental health apps effective?
  • Encourage open discussions about mental health.
  • Should therapy be more accessible to all?
  • Address mental health in digital spaces.
  • Peer support programs can improve mental well-being.
  • Mental health is as important as physical health.
  • Universities need better mental health resources.
  • Should insurance cover all mental health treatments?
  • Encourage mental health training for teachers.

Persuasive Speech Topics for College about Ethics

  • Should animal testing be banned?
  • Ethical dilemmas in artificial intelligence development.
  • Is the death penalty morally justified?
  • Should companies be held accountable for environmental harm?
  • The ethics of cloning and genetic engineering.
  • Is it ethical to ban hate speech?
  • Should organ sales be legalized?
  • Ethical concerns in the fashion industry.
  • Are whistleblowers heroes or traitors?
  • Is it ethical to manipulate public opinion through media?
  • Should governments intervene in free markets?
  • The morality of war and conflict resolution.
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Are there ethical limits to scientific research?
  • The impact of surveillance on privacy rights.


Picking the right persuasive speech topics for high school students is crucial for delivering a memorable and impactful speech. Whether your topic is serious or fun, speaking with passion and confidence will always make a difference. After deciding on your topic, use Tenorshare AI Slides to create polished and effective slides, helping you present your persuasive speech topic with confidence and style, ensuring you leave a lasting impression on your audience.