Tenorshare AI-PDF Tool
  • A Simple and Easy AI PDF Summarizer
  • Just upload your PDF file, prompt it, and you will get a concise summary generated by the tool.
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Best Free AI Chatbots: Alternatives for Individuals and Business

Author: Andy Samue | 2023-11-30

Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly popular as affordable and accessible tools for individuals and businesses. In 2023, there are a number of excellent free AI chatbots available that can be customized for a wide range of uses.

In this article, we will explore the top 7 best free chatbots and how they can fulfill both personal and professional needs through friendly and helpful automated conversations. Whether you want to build a bot of your own or use one to improve your business, these free options are a great place to start.

Part 1. Is There Any Free AI Chatbot?

Yes, there are several free AI chatbots available today. While some of the most advanced conversational AI tools charge fees for access, there are still many free options that utilize artificial intelligence to power automated chat experiences. These free chatbots can be used for both personal and business purposes.

Part 2. What is the Best Free AI for Chatting?

While there are a number of free AI chatbots to choose from, some stand out as the best options currently available. Let's take a look at the top best free AI chatbots that provide robust conversational experiences without any cost. These bot platforms utilize powerful AI to deliver human-like conversations that can be customized for personal and business use cases.

From versatile digital assistants to customer service chatbots, the best free options demonstrate the impressive capabilities of artificial intelligence today. Keep reading as we explore the leading free chatbot tools on the market right now.

Top 1. Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool

Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool(https://ai.tenorshare.com/) is a free AI chatbot that can intelligently summarize and answer questions about PDF documents. This makes it easy to quickly grasp the key information in PDFs without having to read through them fully. It is the best AI chatbot free.

Some of the main benefits of Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool include:

  • Generates concise summaries of PDF documents - Simply upload a PDF, and the bot will create a summary of the content.
  • Answers questions about PDF contents - Ask questions about the information in the PDF, and the bot will provide accurate answers.
  • Supports multiple document uploads - You can upload up to 4 PDFs at once to summarize and question.
  • Handles PDFs in different languages - It works with PDFs in multiple languages and can respond in various languages.

Tenorshare AI PDF Tool

  • Summarize the various types of large PDF docume
  • Chat with the PDF to get key information accurately
  • Supports simultaneous uploading of multiple documents

Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool is a versatile free AI chatbot for easily working with PDF documents through conversation. It's a top choice for both personal and business use.

Step 1. Upload your PDF file.

best free ai chatbot

Step 2. Log in to your account. If you haven't signed up before, click "Sign up now" to create an account first.

best free ai chatbot app

Step 3. Start a chat and ask any questions about the your PDF document.

best free ai chatbot online

Top 2. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an impressively advanced conversational AI chatbot created by OpenAI. It can engage in natural, human-like dialog on a wide range of topics while avoiding inappropriate or biased responses.

ChatGPT demonstrates sophisticated language processing and conversation skills powered by a huge training dataset. In just a few months since its release, ChatGPT has already built substantial buzz for its capabilities. It is the best free AI chatbot app.


  • Can occasionally generate incorrect or nonsensical responses
  • Limited knowledge about very recent events and pop culture
  • Slow response times due to high demand

Top 3. Google Bard

Google Bard is Google's experimental conversational AI chatbot that is designed to provide helpful information by having natural conversations. Early demos suggest Bard can simplify complex topics, generate creative content, and assist with planning.

It aims to combine the breadth of knowledge available via Google's search with AI capabilities for dialogue. Bard is still in the very early stages but represents Google's entry into advanced chatbots. It is also the best AI chatbot for free.


  • Currently in limited testing only
  • Prone to hallucination and giving false information
  • Significantly trails ChatGPT in conversational ability

Top 4. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is an AI assistant chatbot that focuses on having more fun, creative, and unexpected conversations beyond just informational queries.

It displays an entertaining personality and can tell jokes, write poetry, continue stories, and surprise users in conversation. Perplexity AI's more unpredictable responses help it stand out from some of the more dry and robotic chatbots.


  • Can sometimes give inappropriate or nonsensical responses
  • Limited knowledge base for factual questions
  • Requires creativity and imagination from users to get the most out of conversations

Top 5. Zapier AI Chatbot

Zapier’s AI chatbot is designed to help users automatically manage workflows and integrate apps through natural language conversations.

Users can easily build workflows, connect apps like Gmail or Slack, schedule tasks, and more by simply chatting with the Zapier assistant. It represents one of the most practical enterprise applications of AI chatbot technology.


  • Focused solely on executing Zapier workflows
  • Will not maintain conversations outside of core functionality
  • Limited to app integrations within the Zapier ecosystem

Top 6. YouChat

YouChat is a customizable open-source AI chatbot that can be trained on specific datasets to have tailored conversations in various domains.

It supports text, voice, and multi-language conversations. YouChat empowers developers to build conversational AI bots for custom use cases like customer service, education, sales, and more.


  • Requires technical expertise in AI and programming
  • Needs extensive training data to function well
  • Not as advanced out-of-the-box as some competitors

Top 7. Jasper Chat

Jasper Chat is an open-source text and audio AI chatbot platform focused on customer service use cases. It can integrate with popular business tools like Slack, Telegram, and more.

Jasper delivers reasonably intelligent conversations and handy features like customer support ticketing to serve as an AI-powered virtual assistant.


  • Designed primarily for customer service
  • Needs customization and training for optimal performance
  • Text conversations are relatively limited compared to other bots

Part 3. People Also Ask about Best Free AI Chatbot

Q1. Is there a free AI better than ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT is one of the most advanced free conversational AI tools available right now, Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool has some strengths in its specificity for PDF documents. For intelligently summarizing, answering questions about, and working with PDF content, Tenorshare AI offers advanced functionality for free. So, for PDF use cases specifically, it could be considered better than ChatGPT, which has wider conversational abilities.

Q2. Is Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool free?

Tenorshare AI - PDF Tool offers its core PDF summarization and questioning features for free without any limitations. However, it does offer additional premium features and services for a paid subscription of $4.99/Month. However, the free version still provides robust PDF functionality powered by AI, making it one of the top free chatbot tools available.

Final Word

The rise of AI has brought with it a new era of intelligent chatbots that provide immense value at no cost. As this article has shown, there are now a variety of highly capable free AI chatbots to suit different needs.

From ChatGPT's human-like conversations to Tenorshare's expertise with PDFs, these tools put conversational AI within reach for everyone. Tenorshare AI-PDF Tool is the best free AI chatbot online.